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Azure SQL Database must map the PKI-authenticated identity to an associated user account.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-255336 ASQL-00-008500 SV-255336r961044_rule Medium
The DOD standard for authentication is DOD-approved PKI certificates. Once a PKI certificate has been validated, it must be mapped to an Azure SQL Database user account for the authenticated identity to be meaningful to Azure SQL Database and useful for authorization decisions.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-06-10


Check Text ( C-59009r877264_chk )
To verify that Azure Active Directory is configured as the authentication type, use the following PowerShell commands:

$LogicalServerName = "myServer"
Get-AzSqlServer -ServerName $LogicalServerName | Get-AzSqlServerActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication

If AzureADOnlyAuthentication returns False, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-58953r877265_fix)
To set the Azure Active Directory Administrator, use the following PowerShell command:

$LogicalServerName = "myServer"
Set-AzSqlServerActiveDirectoryAdministrator -ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" -ServerName $LogicalServerName -DisplayName "myAADIdentify"

Azure Active Directory Authentication can be enabled using either PowerShell or the Azure CLI.

To enable Azure Active Directory Authentication using PowerShell, use the commands below:

###### Sets the AAD Admin in the SQL Server using PowerShell ######
$LogicalServerName = "myServer"
$ResourceGroup = "myResourceGroup"
$DisplayName = ""
$ObjectId = ""

Set-AzSqlServerActiveDirectoryAdministrator `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup `
-ServerName $LogicalServerName `
-DisplayName $DisplayName `

#Sets AD Admin Only
Get-AzSqlServer -ServerName $LogicalServerName `
| Enable-AzSqlServerActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication

To enable Azure Active Directory Authentication using the Azure CLI, use the commands below:

###### Sets the AAD Admin in the SQL Server using the Azure CLI ######
az sql server ad-admin create `
--resource-group $ResourceGroup
--server $LogicalServerName `
--display-name $DisplayName `
--object-id $ObjectId `

#Sets AD Admin Only
az sql server ad-only-auth enable `
--resource-group $ResourceGroup `
--name $LogicalServerName
